Brand Story 品牌故事

IB Brand Story 品牌由來

IB 品牌由來

IB 意思其實是 International Bridge, 是店主跟一位韓國伙伴在2007年一起成立. 希望成為國際橋樑促進產業交流, 幫助海外買家開發, 尋找或採購合適的產品. 更希望每一個國家或地區的伙伴連接起來以對應現在和未來的競爭. 現在伙伴除了韓國, 亦發展到日本, 東南亞和東西歐國家.

之後, 我們發現所銷售到海外的外貿產品回流香港發售, 換言之, 得到本地市場認同. 所以2015建立了G.STORE品牌以發展本地網上零售市場. 我們藉此希望能為大家帶來多樣化種類、價廉物美、設計獨特、環保實用,並且能讓大多數人都喜愛和接受的創意產品,創造更美好的生活 ! 爲了實現這樣的想法,我們專心聆聽不同意見和從產品設計、採購、品質檢定,不斷以創新方法尋求改善以回饋給大家  !

致於創新產品方面,我們會擔當起客戶的橋樑進入大時代 ! 將硬件,軟體,雲端,模組等團隊連接起來以提供定制帶本地化產品給客戶. 易於成本控制, 且可更快完成產品.

IB 奇點生活 { IB Singularity Life }

由於大數據, STEM, 工業4.0, 人工智能成為焦點, 我們與時並進, 正式由G.STORE改名為 IB 奇點生活 (IB Singularity Life). 希望我們的生活隨著科技進步而更奇秒! 另一意思, 是 希望用奇希望大家用奇秒的點子為自己帶來更好的生活.


IB Brand Origin

IB means International Bridge, which was established in 2007 with a Korean partner. We hope to become  an international bridge to promote industry exchange, help overseas partners develop, source or purchase the right products.

Apart from it, we also hope that our partners from different regions connect together to face the current and future competition. Now our partners not only from South Korea, but also develope to Japan, South East Asia, Eastern and Western countries.

We found our products appeared in local Hong Kong grey market, which means our products start to gain reputation locally. Therefore, we established the G.STORE brand in 2015 so as to develop the local online retail market. We hope to bring you a variety , good quality, unique design, environmentally friendly and creative products that most people love and accept, create a wonderful life!

IB Singularity Life { IB Singularity Life }

Owing to big data, STEM, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence has become the focus, we keep up with the trends, officially changed from G.STORE to IB Singularity Life. We hope our life is more odd with the technological advancement!


Many thanks for your patronage!

IB Singularity Life {IB 奇點生活 }

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